Good News, Comrades: There’s Bad News Coming!

As ever, the Left accuses its opponents of what the Left is doing. In the latest instance, the Left is always claiming that those who don’t oppose President Trump are putting party above country. But, as ever, the Left, broadly speaking, is the group engaged in exactly the thing they decry.

Let’s examine the Left’s reaction to this week’s terrific quarterly Gross Domestic Product growth of 4.1 percent.

To working Americans, national prosperity is a positive development; consequently, they welcome it.

Not so the Left, when the prosperity is the result of a Republican administration.

Why? Because as noted in previous columns, the Democrats’ hoped for a midterm election “blue wave” won’t trump the “green wave” of economic prosperity. Why return to power a party that, the last time they were in power,  told you the “new normal” is your jobs are gone and economic growth will forever be weak? Talk about electoral gold…

Indeed, the booming economy is especially troublesome for the Left, since it spent the last eight years blaming President George W. Bush for the anemic Obama economy. So, the Left’s first line of rhetorical—and delusional—political attack is to claim this is not Trump’s economy but Obama’s.

Apparently, President Obama is the first president to have spent two terms presiding over a limp economy without any of his disastrous policies to blame for retarding economic growth. Why? Because, per the Left, Obama was too busy ensuring that all his disastrous policies’ resulting prosperity would happen under his successor. What a truly selfless cat!

If this Democrat canard doesn’t float your boat on a blue wave, the Left’s leading in-house newsletter, the New York Times, is here to let you know not to worry, because bad news is on its way. Here’s a sampling from story article, “Why Friday’s GDP Number May Be a Size Too Big”:

Even a number starting with a four, though, will almost certainly be misleading. Several one-time factors—including a surge in exports tied, at least in part, to Mr. Trump’s trade policies—probably combined to pump up growth in the second quarter. Those effects won’t last, and economists expect growth to slow in the second half of the year. Pretty much no one outside the White House thinks a growth rate of 4 percent is sustainable in the long term.

This is the “Good News, Comrades: There’s Bad News Coming” strategy of firing up the base with the hope that the economy tanks. Thus, Times readers at least can breathe a sigh of relief that the prosperity Americans feel may be fleeting. Then—“Thanks, Goddess Gaia!”—this era of Wild West capitalism forcing everyone to work two jobs so, like, unemployment numbers look low is going to end and then, like, government can take money from rich people—who suck—and give it to poor people as a basic income—totally awesome—even if they don’t want to work to earn it. More electoral gold…

But just to cover their tracks, the Left made sure its ultimate “party above country” lie produced another febrile headline the night before the 4.1 percent quarterly GDP number came out. Or did you think Michael Cohen’s recent “revelation” that contradicts everything he’s previously said about the Trump Tower meeting was just a coincidence? Trump is a treasonous Russian stooge! Yep, more electoral gold….

Nonetheless, heading into the midterm elections in the Trump economy, the smart money’s still on the green wave. People know that the Left is rooting for the American economy to tank; consequently, this November, voters are going to put their family’s prosperity and our country over the Democratic Party. So, I suppose, there is good news for America because there’s bad news coming for the Left.

Photo credit: Nicholas Kamm/AFP/Getty Images