Category: Germany

NATO’s Challenge Is Germany, Not America

During the recent NATO summit meeting, a rumbustious Donald Trump tore off a thin scab of niceties to reveal a deep and old NATO wound—one that has predated Trump by nearly 30 years and goes back to the end of the Cold War. In an era when the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact are … Continued

Reciprocity Is the Method to Trump’s Madness

Critics of Donald Trump claim there is no rhyme or reason to his foreign policy. But if there is a consistency, it might be called reciprocity. Trump tries to force other countries to treat the United States as it treats them. In “don’t tread on me” style, he also warns enemies that any aggressive act … Continued

Is Trump Now Bad Cop or Good Cop?

During his first 15 months as president, Donald Trump has postured as the bad cop. He railed about NATO members welching on their promised contributions to the alliance. Trump rhetorically reduced North Korean leader Kim Jong-un to “short and fat” and “rocket man.” He ordered the dropping of a huge bomb on the Taliban and … Continued

ICE Troubles With Terrorism

An audit by the Department of Homeland Security’s Inspector General found that Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is facing a variety of challenges, particularly with implementing the Known or Suspected Terrorist Encounter Protocol (KSTEP). KSTEP allows a myriad of law enforcement and intelligence agencies to coordinate and streamline the “protocol for identifying and processing aliens … Continued

To Be Great the U.N. Must Defend Democratic Sovereignty

“I’ve listened to countless speeches in this hall, but I can say this: None were bolder, none more courageous and forthright than the one delivered by President Trump today” –Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu  The wisdom of President Trump’s United Nations speech last week was nothing less than a demonstration to that dubious organization of … Continued

The Triumph of ‘Dunkirk’

PISTOL ….Well, bawd I’ll turn, And something lean to cutpurse of quick hand. To England will I steal, and there I’ll steal: And patches will I get unto these cudgell’d scars, And swear I got them in the Gallia wars. “Henry V” (v.i.88-92) In Shakespeare’s “Henry V,” Pistol and his late lamented friend Bardolph are … Continued