Category: Drugs

Who Owns America?

Anywhere from 11 million to 22 million illegal aliens reside in the United States today. The most recent research suggests that the higher number is closest to the correct figure. In and of itself, that is a crisis. New arrivals—legal and illegal—come to America all the time. Two-thirds of these, Steven W. Mosher writes, use … Continued

The Ironies of Illegal Immigration

Estimates suggest that there are 11 million to 13 million Mexican citizens currently living in the United States illegally. Millions more emigrated previously and are now U.S. citizens. A recent poll revealed that one-third of Mexicans (34 percent) would like to emigrate to the United States. With Mexico having a population of about 130 million, … Continued

The Dwining of the Age of Aquarius

I was two years old in 1967 when the “Summer of Love” skipped Detroit. Alas, while in San Francisco all you needed was love, in Detroit we needed the National Guard. Even so, as hippies were taking the brown acid and I was crawling for another jar of Gerber’s strained bananas, the Left’s infantile antics … Continued